Key ‘social’ trends are:
- The Arab Spring continues, extending to Wall Street (26/9/11, 3/10/11)
- Social tensions in US and UK continue to rise (3/10/11)
- The ‘Squeezed Middle‘ classes are feeling the pinch most (26/9/11)
- Bank of America (among others) is making thousands redundant (13/9/11)
- FTSE 100 companies increase size of dividends returned to shareholders (17/10/11)
FOOD: - Rising corn prices force closure of chicken farms, as ethanol production takes 40% of crop, and corn stocks forecast “extremely low” (13/9/11)
- Cattle futures reach record high (4/10/11)
- World grain crops up (13/10/11)
. - British Airways returns to an earlier age, positioning on service (21/9/11)
. - Increase of ride-sharing (28/9/11)
- Levels of executive pay and management ethics criticised (28/9/11, 4/10/11)
- Barter grows in Greece (3/10/11)
- Proposals to cut working week to four days (3/10/11)
Other specific social trends will affect individual businesses.
To see all stories under ‘Social’, click here.